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Social media marketing for E-Commerce Businesses

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PS: Our eCommerce Division has seen some tremendous growth, so wanted to share the principles, methods, practices (and secrets) that you can use to sky rocket your eCommerce Business. If you have any query, do leave a comment to this blog or write us to

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Social media marketing has become an integral part in e-commerce business. As an e-commerce store, you must be aware of the impact social media has in the e-commerce business. Social media marketing is the latest way of making people aware of your product the fastest.

There are more than 523,000,000 global users on social media and each of the social media tools provide various means of brand engagement, increase in followers as well as likes. Through these you can increase your brand value and bring in more customers.

As an e-commerce business owner, you must understand that how huge opportunity is this for online stores to increase their engagement, spreading brand awareness and bring more traffic to your website.

The statistics clearly show how much impact social media has on eCommerce sales.

  • 93 % of users on Pinterest are using it for research purchases.
  • 87% of Pinterest users have purchased an item because of Pinterest.
  • Engagement of Instagram is 58x to 120x higher than other platforms.
  • YouTube videos provide an 80% lift in consideration and 54% in ad recall.
  • Facebook accounts for 50% of social referrals and 64% of total social revenue.

Social media marketing is no rocket science with correct strategies and planning you can surely increase your sales. To develop a strategy you must


This is the biggest mistake every business person do that they do not do their homework before formulating a strategy. When you do a proper review of your business then only you can come to know what’s working and what’s not.

Once you do your homework then you can formulate your strategy.

Set your goal

It is important to set your goals for any strategy, any plan without a goal is bound fail. You need to be clear about your goals before making a social media strategy for your Ecommerce business

  • Amount of traffic you want
  • Number of followers you need
  • Ratio of visitors to conversions
  • Number and type of posts compared to the amount of engagement
  • Statistics of growth in audience and sales

Simple tactics that can help you increase your Social Media Engagement

Once you are done with reviewing and making strategies, use these tactics to increase your engagement on Social Media platforms.

1. Optimize social media posts:

Performing SEO you can obtain your site search data and know about high-conversion keywords, you can use these keywords in your post to increase your visibility in search.

2. Share the right content:

Using high conversion keywords will be of best use only if you share right content. Share content that is of value to the customer as social media is all about socializing not shopping. You need to be smart in presenting your content, you do not want your customers to think you are trying too hard to sell.

The right content isn’t necessarily more content.

Keep the experience a bit informal but social, interactive, and contextual, using your posts to tell customer stories, share news, and provide helpful tips.

Learn to keep customer needs above your needs, don’t just ask them to buy all the time, educate them about your product through your posts.

3. Use your reviews

Your customers’ reviews do not just help you in improving but also in marketing yourself. Make your satisfied customer your brand ambassador by sharing their reviews sharing their review.

Reviews play an important role in your sales, it has been observed that 67% of customers go through previous customers’ review before buying the product and 88% of consumers say that they believe trust online reviews more than personal recommendations.

4. Add social sharing buttons in strategic places

Adding sharing widgets like Facebook’s “Like” button to all of your product pages can be very useful for attracting customers who are further along in the buying cycle. In addition, consider placing sharing buttons in prominent areas in your site’s design. For example, enable customers to share their review of a product with their Twitter followers or Facebook friends, or allow them to share a sales offer or even a sales confirmation email.

5. Use visual content

visual content impact

Image source:

It is a proven theory that visual content creates a much better impact on a person than theory. Images easily attract audience rather than text. Studies show that images help better in optimizing your social media post. Using infographics is a great social media marketing strategy.

Make your product images shareable on sites that favor image-driven marketing, such as Instagram and Pinterest (i.e., include Pinterest’s “Pin It” button on all images). Be creative and allow your customers to share their photograph using your products with you.

6. Interact with followers

Social media is all about being interactions then why don’t you interact with your customers. Social media is the best place to get direct and honest reviews of your customers. Keep track f your posts and engage with them on a daily basis. Answer their questions, reply to their comments, show your gratitude when a customer share some valuable stuff with you or for you.

interact with followers

Image source:

It’s a great way to show you truly care about them and are interested in serving their needs, which can go a long way towards building trust and shortening the sales cycle. Here are a few ways to promote engagement:

  • Join groups:Participating in groups is a great way to keep tabs on keywords, hashtags, and conversation topics. Go through different posts retweet, articles or shared multimedia to be updated of latest likes and dislike of your audience. Share stuff in these groups according to the interest of people so that they get attracted to your brand.
  • Build relationships with influencers: People who have a strong following online can give a huge boost to a brand’s reach and trust factor. Go for people related to your industry, this will make your content more believable. This can be beneficial for both brand as well as celebrity.
    • Host live chats:Live chats are the best way to interact with your audience. The informal atmosphere of live chats makes you seem more approachable for the audience. Want to know how to use Live Streaming For Business Growth, Check the Blog Beginner’s Guide to Using Live Streaming (How to Guide)

7. Be consistent

Social media marketing is not a one-day thing you need make your presence felt regularly. Post content on daily basis, it is important for driving more traffic to your eCommerce website.

Frequency can vary based on your market, but consistency is the key to show your audience that you’re interested in constantly sharing valuable content. To make this process easier and time saving, use a marketing automation tool such as so you can schedule posts in advance.

8. Start a blog

In any e-commerce business making connection with the audience is very important. Social media is the best way for establishing this connection with your audience. Your work does not limit till just selling the product once, you want a customer to come back to you again and again.

This is only possible when a customer finds maximum value from you and is aware of your new services and product.  Blogs are the best way to engage your audience, you do not need to write about your services and products all the time, talk about benefits of the product, how to get the best usage out of it or talk in general sense.

For example: If you are a footwear brand you can tell people about how to take care of feet or how to store their footwear properly.

Compel your customers to share your content and buy from you.

The big part is again how to make these blog posts beneficial for you. Make a list of keywords related to your product, and use them in heading, subheadings, and content. This will help your website rank better in SEO too.

9. Use hashtags

Hashtags help your content get discovered more frequently on social media platforms. They organize content, expand the reach of your posts, and promote interaction. Avoid using too many hashtags in one social media update, limiting them to one to two per post.

10. Keep it short and simple

You must keep in mind that people use social media platforms for their personal entertainment, so no one would want to read your long post, however, beneficial they are. Short and compelling content attract more audience.

Your followers are much more likely to share your short, visual posts since they can quickly be digested and passed along. For example, tease a blog post with an engaging image and an intriguing headline.

Integrating social media into your marketing mix is critical to be competitive in eCommerce. If you put the right strategy and social media marketing tactics in place, you can improve brand awareness, drive more traffic and conversions, increase customer engagement and loyalty, and ultimately grow your business.

Keep looking for new opportunities

There is a lot happening in the social world, Social media is also experiencing many new things. For example, live streaming is yet to be fully known by all but is surely going to be a big factor for businesses.

You must prepare yourself beforehand for all the change happening. If you start early you can easily attract more audience without much competition.