[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1589397036486{border-top-width: 2px !important;border-right-width: 2px !important;border-bottom-width: 2px !important;border-left-width: 2px !important;padding-top: 40px !important;padding-right: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 50px !important;background-color: #fcfcfc !important;border-left-color: #78c9eb !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #78c9eb !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-top-color: #78c9eb !important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #78c9eb !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;}”]
– – Webpage Errors – –
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What is a Web page error?
- Page Not Found(404)
- Bad Gateway(502)
- Service unavailable(503)
- Connection Timed Out (408)
- Unable to Connect
- Bad Request (400)
- Forbidden Error(403)
- Gone(410)
- Internal Server Error(500)
- Gateway Time-Out(504)
- Unauthorised Access (401)
Chapter 3: Conclusion
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1486151242052{border-top-width: 3px !important;border-right-width: 3px !important;border-bottom-width: 3px !important;border-left-width: 3px !important;background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;border-left-color: #78c9eb !important;border-left-style: dotted !important;border-right-color: #78c9eb !important;border-right-style: dotted !important;border-top-color: #78c9eb !important;border-top-style: dotted !important;border-bottom-color: #78c9eb !important;border-bottom-style: dotted !important;}”][vc_column][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1489493208688{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”7195″ img_size=”medium”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Hey, just wanted to say Hi! If it interests you,[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text ps_animation=”noAnimation” css=”.vc_custom_1591435108414{background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;}”]
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1524734033754{margin-bottom: 10px !important;border-top-width: 3px !important;border-right-width: 3px !important;border-bottom-width: 3px !important;border-left-width: 3px !important;border-left-color: #78c9eb !important;border-right-color: #78c9eb !important;border-top-color: #78c9eb !important;border-bottom-color: #78c9eb !important;}” el_id=”1″][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1525246321650{margin-top: 10px !important;}”]In our daily routine, we often come across the word “error” and reminds us of the word mistake. Here, in this article, you will get to know what is an error? and the list of the webpage errors. An error is a condition of being wrong in judgment or in conduct. In simple terms, we say it as a “mistake”. When talked about the word “error”, you encounter it every now and then. For every task you do or perform, a chance of error to occur is associated with it. Nothing could be error-free, neither a task nor a thing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”2″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”What is a Web page error?” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Similarly, while we are surfing the internet each one of us has encountered some of the other types of webpage error. Like, error codes 404, 502 etc. The errors associated with the web pages are known as “webpage errors”.
Source: http://www.personalcomputerfixes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ieerror.gif
Whenever you encounter such webpage errors, are you able to understand them? Or on looking at them you get to know what they mean? To you, they might appear some sort of codes which you need to encrypt. They appear meaningless to you. But, these error messages must be known to you to troubleshoot your Internet connection when faced any potential problem.
Here, in this article you will get to see the webpage error list and what do they mean.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”21″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”1. Page Not Found(404)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/image86.png
Page Not Found or say 404 error is the most commonly found error when you browse the internet. This error means that your browser is able to communicate with the website or with the server you were trying to connect with but the server or website is not able to find what you are looking for and thus sends a 404 error.
404 error could occur due to many reasons. They could
- broken links
- deleted content
- moved content
But the good thing is error page can be customized by web designers or by the server admin which provides an alternative option to the users.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Error 404 could be fixed if it is redirected to somewhere else.
- If people are reaching /specials (this is an error page), then you can ask your server to redirect people to /special instead
- Correct the source link
- Restore the deleted pages
- Ignore the not found error
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Customized error pages” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Owners can customize the 404 error not found pages as they wanted.
Source: http://www.davidhayden.me/media/default/posts/Creating-Custom-404-and-Error-Pages-in-Orchard-CMS.jpg
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”22″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”2. Bad Gateway(502)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://www.000webhost.com/forum/uploads/default/original/3X/5/3/53266b61ce5b93830cde84a301109d16c9a697a7.png
This type of error is not so common, but whenever you encounter such error, it means when you attempt to fulfill the request, the server acts as a gateway that has received an invalid response from the upstream server. The problem mainly lies outside your computer and the problems generate the error in the servers. And the sad thing is there is nothing you can do to solve such problem.
Bad gateway 202 error can also occur due to:
- Invalid cookie
- cache
- invalid response
In such cases, you need to clean your browser to access that website.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]In order to fix Bad gateway error 202, you need to try loading the URL again and again by pressing F5 or Ctrl R from your keyboard. Or you can even click the refresh or reload button. 502 Gateway error is outside your control networking error and is temporary. If you will try the page again, it will be successful.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”23″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”3. Service unavailable(503)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]This type of error occurs when the site you are trying to reach is down for the current time. But at the same time, the server is responding to the requests with an error message.
This error is again on your computer and it is not much you can do to get access to the website. In rare cases, you will receive such error- “Service unavailable, DNS Failure”.
The reason for such error could be:
- Router failure
- DNS service
Source: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2015/01/browser-errors-503-service-unavailable.png
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]It could be fixed by restarting your router or changing the DNS services. This error again is temporary and this means there is an error on the other computer. By pressing F5 or Ctrl R, you could fix it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”24″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”4.Connection Timed Out (408)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2015/01/browser-errors-connection-timed-out.jpg
Connection timed out error means that the request sent by your computer is not being fulfilled within the timeframe. The timeframe is predetermined and if the request isn’t being fulfilled in that time span then such error occurs.
The reason for this error is:
- Actual server or computer you are trying to access is not responding as it should
- Router is misconfigured
- Network problem
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]If you can access then the problem is with the website or server you are visiting. And if you can’t access the whole internet then it could be a network problem. For this, you need to troubleshoot your router r contact your ISP.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”25″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”5.Unable to Connect” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]This type of error occurs when your browser is not able to fulfill your request. This is due to the target server is currently not available due to some reason or is experiencing some technical problems.
The reasons for this error to occur are:
- Misconfigures your firewall or proxy
- Target server or website not available
- Some technical problems
Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UYhSdeYMfS0/hqdefault.jpg
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]When your firewall or proxy have been misconfigured from accessing the website, you can try disabling your firewall or change the proxy settings.
Also, if you want to know if the website is down, you can use services like Is Up.
Unable to connect error is similar to Server Not Found the error, means the server or website you are trying to access simply does not exist. This error may also occur when your DNS server is down or due to the typos in the URL you entered.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”26″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”6. Bad Request (400)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LwY3b473IGY/hqdefault.jpg
Bad request error occurs when the client sends which the server is unable to understand. This type of error usually occurs when the rule of the HTTP protocol is not followed by the data sent by the browser. And this makes the web server clueless about how to process the request containing the malformed syntax.
The reasons for this error to occur is:
- Something is wrong on the client side
- Data sent doesn’t follow the rule of the HTTP protocol.
- A defective browser
- Caching problem
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]To fix the Bad Request error you need to
- Check for errors in the URL.
- Clear your cookies browser especially when getting a Bad Request error with google’service.
- Clear your DNS cache, which will fix the error if it’s being caused by outdated DNS records stored by your computer.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”27″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”7. Forbidden Error(403)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://i1.wp.com/s3.amazonaws.com/production-wordpress-assets/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/11210025/403-forbidden-error.jpg?fit=539%2C270&ssl=1
This type of error occurs when the server understands the request of client clearly but is unable to fulfill it because of some reasons. This is neither called a malformation nor an authorization problem.
By displaying this 403 error message, the server is rejecting the client with big loud “NO” without an explanation.
The reason for this error to occur are:
- The website owner doesn’t permit visitors to browse the file directory structure of the site.
- The specific file the client requested doesn’t have the permission to be viewed from the web.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Click on the OK button and your FTP client will start setting file permissions for all the selected files. Now try accessing the website 403 forbidden error must have disappeared.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”28″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”8. Gone(410)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Source: https://www.rankfirstlocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/410-error-message.jpg
This error is similar to 404 error Code. Both suggest that the server hasn’t received the requested file but while 410 indicates a permanent condition, 404 suggests that the target file may be available somewhere on the server.
This error occurs due to:
- The resource was made intentionally unavailable and website wants the link to be removed.
- The server hasn’t received the requested file.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
- Repair Registry Entries Associated with Error 410
- Perform Malware Scan
- Clean Out Your System Junk
- Uninstall and then reinstall the Program Associated with Gone
- Install All Windows Updates
- Perform Installation of Windows
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”29″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”9. Internal Server Error(500)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]This error is a well-known error as it occurs when an unexpected condition occurs preventing it from fulfilling the request of the client.
This error occurs:
- When no other 5XX error code makes sense.
- When an unexpected condition occurs
Source: https://i0.wp.com/s3.amazonaws.com/production-wordpress-assets/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/29074529/500-internal-server-error.png?fit=604%2C237&ssl=1
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
- Reload the page
- Clean your browser’s cache
- Delete your browser’s cookies
- Restart the browser
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”210″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”10. Gateway Time-Out(504)” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]In this error, there is a server-server communication problem when the error message is displayed. Also, when the 504 error code is returned there is a higher level server that sends the data to the server which is connected to the client.
This error occurs because:
- The lower level server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upper stream server.
- There is a server-server communication problem.
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
- Refresh the page a few minutes.
- Restart all your network devices.
- Check the proxy server settings in your browser or application.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”211″][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”11. 401 Unauthorized” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]A classic situation where a 401 Unauthorized mistake would be returned is if a client attempts to get to an asset that is secured by HTTP verification, as in this Nginx instructional exercise. For this situation, the client will get a 401 error code until they give a legitimate username and secret key (one that exists in the .htpasswd record) to the web server.
The 401 status code, or an Unauthorized mistake, implies that the client attempting to get to the asset has not been confirmed or has not been validated effectively. This implies the client must give qualifications to have the option to see the ensured asset.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to fix it?” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]To solve this, the webmaster has to check if any important page is being blocked by .htaccess.
If the answer is yes, then the Webmaster must exclude that link from .htaccess so that the specific page is not returning 401 error[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_layout=”grid” options_bg=”default” video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” mute=”muted” gmap_lat=”” gmap_long=”” gmap_marker=”” section_id=”” css=”.vc_custom_1524734314497{margin-top: 20px !important;border-top-width: 1px !important;border-right-width: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;border-left-width: 1px !important;background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;border-left-color: #78c9eb !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #78c9eb !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-top-color: #78c9eb !important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #78c9eb !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;}” el_id=”3″][vc_column ps_animation=”noAnimation” ps_animation_delay=”” align_text=”text-left” inner_columns=”” css=”.vc_custom_1489489075999{margin-top: 10px !important;}”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”7190″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1525247076191{padding-top: 20px !important;}”]Facing difficulty with the webpage errors? Read the article and learn everything about the important webpage errors you can face. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]Thus, errors though are mistakes or conditions when you are wrong but when considered webpage errors, they tell you exactly what problem the network is encountering.These are the major webpage error list which you will encounter while surfing the internet. Each of them is different from the other and holds different significance. Each one occurs due to different reasons- one being when browser is not able to communicate with the website or the server or you have received an invalid response or the request you entered is not fulfilled in the given timeframe and so on.. These error messages are displayed in order to make the visitor clear what problem has occurred and what time would it take to resolve it.