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This is custom heading element
Meta tags are the snippets of tags that describe the content of a page. Meta tags do not appear on the page but only in the page’s code.
The difference which you observe between tags which you can see and which you cannot is location. Meta tags are present only in HTML, at the “head” of the page. Thus they are visible only to search engines.
Meta means-“data about data”. Thus, metadata is the kind of data that tags provide.
Types of Tags
There are several types of tags available which are important from <a href=”https://growthpixel.com/new/how-seo-works/”>SEO</a> point of view, they are:
1. Canonical Tag
This tag will be used when two identical pieces of content exist on the internet. In such case, you should use a canonical tag which contains the original published article’s URL.
This, in turn, will pass all the PageRank to the original webpage and informing the search engine that this page should appear in the search results.
Canonical tag will look like:
<link rel=”canonical” href=”http://example.com/” />
Source: https://neilpatel-qvjnwj7eutn3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pasted-image-0-847.png
2. Title Tag
Title tags tell the visitors and search engines about what your site is in the most concise and accurate way possible.
Title tags are the most important meta tags. These are the tags that have a real impact on search rankings and are the only tags that are visible to the average user.
These are provided at the top of your browser.
This is useful if you want to give the page a primary title for the user but want to clarify and simplify information for SEO purposes and also for the user who is shuffling multiple tabs on their desktop.
You can write your own title tags by writing inside the <head> area of your site’s HTML:
<title>Example Title</title>
Example Title
Source: https://neilpatel-qvjnwj7eutn3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pasted-image-0-771.png
You should use at least few accurate keywords that describe the page along with your brand name. You should use relevant keywords and the most important thing to keep in mind is that formatting is done for search engines but you are writing it for humans.
3. Header Tag
Whatever is your headline or webpage name majorly form your H1 tag?Visitors usually view this at top of your page.
If subheadings are to be included then H2-H6 tags tend to form them. It is a very good habit to use headings and subheadings and you can use them through H2 and H3 tags by placing them in proper descending, logical order.
The H1 tag is what you see at the top of your page. Your headline or webpage name will (in the majority of cases) form your H1 tag.
Source: https://neilpatel-qvjnwj7eutn3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pasted-image-0-820.png
Normally only one H1 tag per page is used but it is not strictly true when using HTML5 where you can use one H1 per section.
4. Meta Description Tag
Just after the title tag, comes the meta tag.It is a must for all those who are serious about SEO.
The meta description is a gist same as seen on the back of the book. The title is the heading and the extra sentences written that further describes the content is the meta description.
Meta description not only helps you rank well on Google but also will sell the “click” with compelling copy. Thus, play an important role in seo.
You need to have a link between a title tag and meta description so that search engine easily recognizes what you want to say.
For example, that you use “seo” in your title tag, but only use the phrase “digital marketing” in your meta description then you will be ranked lower because they wouldn’t be able to determine what you want to say.
Source: https://neilpatel-qvjnwj7eutn3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pasted-image-0-832.png
Also, each web page should have one keyword as the target keyword and that keyword should show itself in the title tag and meta description.
5. Link and Anchor Tag
Throughout your content, you are going to link to other websites. Each time you want to include stats or images from different sources, you need to give credits. A link to that website will serve the purpose.
Many a person does this that they add the link but forget to add anchor tags which is not good for seo endeavors
It actually looks like this :
<a href=”http://example-website.com”> This is a link to my website.</a>.
Source: https://neilpatel-qvjnwj7eutn3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pasted-image-0-753.png
Google looks to anchor text to understand what the link is about, where you want to link and what is the content? This is important to be used.
Also, anchor tags are helpful when if you’re linking to someone else’s website and you have provided a good anchor tag then this will provide more rankings than the link alone would.
And if you’re linking to a page to your own website, it will help your own domain authority because it keeps your content organized.

Don’t know the tags of seo? Read the article and learn everything that you need to know.
For marketers, achieving rank#1 is the most pleasing task. It takes months or years to make your website achieve a good rank and this is accomplished by using tags. Anyone of those who is not using these tags is missing a significant portion of seo opportunity.Tags end up separating the seo rookies from the pros, and the right tags often separate the #1 ranking from the #10 ranking. Its significance is a lot more than you really see. From, seo point of view they are highly recommended. The more well-put together your site is, the more traffic you’re likely to attract.
Nice blog. Thanks for sharing such a blog.