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Digital Marketing as a domain is a rising one. And the fact that you are here tells me that you are pursuing or want to pursue digital marketing as a professional career.
To pursue any career, it is very important that you are taught well with domain knowledge required to do well in the profession.
Yes, probably you have taken the right decision by deciding to take up a digital marketing course. This would go miles in terms of benefiting you to do well in a career in digital marketing.
However, the real task is to find a suitable digital marketing course for you. Any digital marketing course might not be good for you. Digital marketing is probably one of the most populated domain +where there are thousands of courses. We ourselves have collated the ultimate guide to digital marketing courses.
Hence, it becomes difficult to identify the right course for you. But Don’t you worry, we have got you covered.
You are Unique
But before we start, I must remind you that the best course in the market might not be suitable for you. The reason for this is that you are unique. You are unique in terms of learning capability, learning style, and your logical skills.
Hence you need to find the right kind of course which suits and syncs with your learning style. This is another place where you need to really put effort.
Choosing an online Digital Marketing Course which suits you
But how to do it? Follow the following 3 steps to find list of courses which suit your learning style.
Step 1: Find your learning style: Normally we don’t really know ourselves. You need to ask yourself, if you understand better from seeing things, reading material or discussing with peers?
Step 2: Check who offers your Learning Style well: Let’s face it, there are many courses available in the market. Some rely heavily on Video Content, some rely heavily on written material and some are mix of both. All you have to do find the Digital Marketing Course which offers your style of learning well.
Step 3: Find and identify the goal: Ask yourself, why really you want to do the course. Some courses in the market are only for gaining knowledge. Some courses are made to help you get a good job in the domain of digital marketing. However, you have to find out which course is made for which objective.
Step 4: Once you have shortlisted the courses which suit your learning style, then find which are the courses which fulfill the goal that you have in mind. It can be free or Paid Digital Marketing Course.
Choosing the best course
Now that you have a list of courses which suit your requirement. The next and the most important task is to find if the course is good within the broad definition of good courses.
Before joining any course, it is important to have Digital Marketing Course information which you can check with the help of some parameters given below:
Duration of the Course
Any good course will have a fixed duration. Pick any goal which a course might undertake to fulfill, it takes at least 3 months. So, whenever you are joining a course check that it must take a fixed duration. It might allow you to take longer time to complete it as per your understanding levels but in no case, you should be able to do it earlier. Reason is that any good course requires an appropriate amount of time to learn any concept and then a minimum time to execute of apply the learning. Which makes it impossible to complete the same below 3 months.
Teaching Style of the Course
Lets understand, as pointed above different people understand things is different ways. Moreover, different concepts of digital marketing require different types of teaching methods. If you want to learn online marketing go for a course which has all types of teaching method i.e. Audio, Video, Written and Application based.
Another important aspect is that how practical the course is? Is it matching the standards set forth by the industry. I know it is difficult to understand this. One easy litmus test for this is that a practical course will have a dedicated session on Future of domain of the course. If a person knows or is concerned about the future, it speaks about their practicality.
Are they updating?
Digital marketing is an ever evolving domain. Hence it is very important that we as individuals also evolve. This makes it even more important for the Digital Marketing course providers to update themselves. Therefore, every course should have versions of the course. The updates should be there. And you should and must go for the latest one.
Who are the instructors?
Instructors are a very important aspect. You must check how is their teaching style? Do they match yours. Another important thing to note about the instructors is that if they are genuinely interested in your growth or they are just concerned in delivering content and completing the course. You will know this if a instructor tries to motivate you and builds context to everything he/she is teaching.
Do the instructors have industry experience?
This is very important. Any instructor who has had little or no industry experience is dooms call. The reason for this is that they will be far from the practical side and most of their knowledge will be theoretical and not practical. Your instructors should have atleast 5 years of experience not only in digital but in hardcore marketing domain.
Are they Marketing Guys?
Yes. In Digital Marketing, more than digital, marketing is important. So another thing you have to find is if the instructors breathe marketing or digital. They should know marketing in and out. Digital is an easy thing to learn. However, knowing marketing comes with experience of executing numerous campaigns for various and multiple businesses.
Do they invest in you?
Another important factor to check is if they really invest in you as an individual. Do they make you confident? Do they enhance your skills? Yes, it is not just knowledge that you should be concerned about. Nowadays skill sell more than knowledge as knowledge is available everywhere but skills are not.
Are they concerned about your understanding of Digital Marketing course?
Delivering the course is just one part of the process but understanding of the course is the real part. You should check if the course provider is really interested in your understanding of the course. You can identify the same by going through their learning process that they have in their course for you.
What is the learning process they follow for you
As pointed out above, learning process is very important for proper understanding of the course. In the learning process, following are the most important aspects.
- Do they have Peer-Peer Discussion? This is how we learn from our childhood. So this is something which goes miles in terms of helping individuals to understand any concept. So therefore, peer2per discussions are very important. Also it generates a lot of ideas and questions that we can share as learners.
- Do they inculcate self-learning?Self-Learning is very important. Because this is how we grasp anything in depth. For any in-depth learning, being a self-driven learner is very important. You can find this out, if they have continuous assignment and homework for you. Yes, I know homework are boring but very important to learn anything.
- Do they imbibe Application?Again, knowing something theoretically and applying the same practically is a completely different ballgame. You have to understand that a good learning process will have loads of application. So, check if the course asks for practical assignments and explains every concept with practical examples.
How good is the doubt clearing session?
Of course, every learning comes up with doubts. Clearing these doubts are very important. Reason for this is that, doubt remove self-belief, which again erodes confidence. Hence, it is very important to clear doubts regularly. So, go for a course which has a systematic doubt clearing process.
Do they have strict Evaluations System?
This by far is the most important step. Most Digital marketing courses in order to lure you to take up their course, will handover easy certificates to you. However, good courses don’t do that. They will ask you to improve first then offer you certificates. So, go for courses which have a strict evaluations system.
Do the Evaluation system has Evaluation Feedback?
As pointed in the above point, it is important to go for courses which ask you to improve. However, seldom and very few courses go out to tell you where you have to improve. And hence, go for a course which gives an evaluation feedback.
Preferred Course Medium - Online VS Offline mode
It is also one of the important aspects that you should know about which type, of course, is suitable for you online or offline. Both courses have their pros and cons. You will have to measure it properly that which one suits your specific requirement. It is recommendable to go with the best option for your learning.
Advantages of Online Courses
Can access the course anywhere and anytime, for example, looking to the current pandemic situation of Covid-19 it is preferable that you should opt for an online digital marketing course.
The online course saves your time of travelling and other things.
It is more comfortable in all aspect than the offline course.
Having an online course provides you with full space to choose your teaching experts and it can be taken at any age there will be no feelings of going to college again.
It provides you with full space of switching from one topic to another or from one course to another of Digital marketing within a fraction of seconds.
Students are falling more for Digital marketing online course and during this Covid-19 pandemic, Digital medium has seen a kind of boom in its market.
As far as I know for the year 2020, enrolled for online digital marketing course which will be very useful for you and safe too.
Digital Marketing Agency Is Genuine or Reputed One!
It is very important to consider this point because before stepping into the institute or Agency you should be aware of this factor. People often ignore this point but it is very important to mark it as one of the important factors as it will make a significant difference in your life. Analysing these points will give you an idea about the genuineness of the agency.
Check their website and find out what they have to offer in Digital Marketing
Whether they have a website address that ends with their domain name or not
Are they active on social media platforms?
Their fast response to emails and messages
Their website should have a current copyright date

Above factors come together and create a good course. However, no one course will have all the good factors.
So, the problem is that how to find out which course is best.
I have a solution, just take a sheet and mention all the points on left hand.
Than take up each course which suit you and start rating them on each point in a scale of 1-5, where 5 being best and 1 being worst.
Then, add the score and find the winner.
Or easier option is to just join a Growth Pixel Academy course which has all the above ingredients 😛 :D. Hahahahaha…
Just kidding, check for yourself and find the best digital marketing course for you.