Growth Pixel

How SEO Works?

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– – Working of SEO – –

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: How SEO Works?

Chapter 3: Four Basic Areas of SEO

  1. On page SEO
  2. Off Page
  3. Index-ability
  4. User Behavior/Social

Chapter 4: Factors Affecting SEO

  1. Domain Authority
  2. Keywords
  3. Relevancy and Context
  4. Number of Inbound and Outbound links
  5. Site Speed
  6. Clean and responsive design
  7. URL structure
  8. Length of your Content

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Seo stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It describes the logic behind the ranking of websites when one performs a search on a particular search engine.

Amongst 1.3B websites, how one is sure to find someone on Google, Bing or Yahoo?

Seo is a marketing technique to search to increase the quality and quantity of traffic on your websites. It involves a series of steps to help to rank you higher on Google and get free organic traffic from various search queries. Thus to obtain results sequence must be followed.

To understand seo better, we must break down it’s meaning:

  1. A marketing discipline – understanding seo is crucial to all your marketing efforts because this way you will be able to drive traffic to your website and generate leads and conversions. You not only need to write content that Google likes but also content that will resonate with your audience.
  2. A technical task – knowing the best practices to optimize your content and site is important if you are planning to compete for traffic. People that know the ins and outs of 0search engine optimization are highly sought after because the ROI they bring is high.
  3. An exciting field – I don’t know about you but to me, creating dope content and generating leads for free is quite amazing. Also, I love the ever evolving nature of seo and the fact that it requires marketers like me to constantly read up on new algorithm changes and more.


Search engines’ purpose is to refine your web pages continuously on the basis of the rankings, but still, the two major key elements that are the foundation for successful top page results are:

  • Onsite: On-sites can be keyword-related or keyword related.

Keyword related on-site: On-site seo is been synonym with “Keyword” use. Keywords are no longer at the center of seo. Search engines have been exponentially growing and they are able to extract a page’s meaning by using synonyms or just by the context in which they appear. What important is relevance! Relevance with the search query is a must. Analyse yourself that the content is relevant to the search query you entered.

Non-keyword related on-site: Apart from the keyword used in content on webpage there are some keywords-agnostic elements as well that affects optimization.

  • Offsite – Offsite search engine optimization is done from the sources other than your site. The engine performance on target keywords that are related to the topic can be achieved by accessing keywords present on your offsite links. A website is referred to from sources online by developing a high-quality profile and having relevant and active social media presence.


1. On Page


To have a great on-page seo is simple. You just have to create keyword focused content pages, that uses multimedia, have content which is fresh, contains descriptive outbound and internal links. Plus uses keywords at the apt place.

The main on page points are:

  • Keywords on-page
  • Internal Linking
  • Use of no follow tag with internal links
  • Use of images
  • Use of video
  • Outbound link quality
  • Page loading speed
  • The freshness of page. It refers to the dependency of the type of search user is looking for in historical data or news.
  • Usage of a keyword in the following key areas: URL, page name, h1, h2, h3, h4 headings, alt tag, image description, body, internal anchor text, italics, bold, title, page description (debatable), meta keywords (not for Google) etc.


2. Off Page (Links)


Links is equivalent to PageRank, PageRank is equivalent to rankings. That’s what we have all been told by Google. Everyone is fully aware that links are very important in ranking well in the search engines.


Thinking to get more links? But what can be done?

I would say, one should concentrate on creating good quality content for your site.

Good content will give you natural links which will give you good rankings and brings traffic.

If you try to buy links or get them the easy way you may have a temporary success and then see your web site disappearing from the top pages after the next Google update.


3. Index-ability

Are search engines able to find and index your content easily? The main areas that need to be focused upon are:

  • Use of XML and user sitemaps
  • Have you submitted your sitemap URL to each individual search engine?
  • Use of 301’s, 404’s, etc
  • Server uptime
  • Use of canonical tag
  • Presence of robots.txt file
  • Site structure (tree like)
  • Using hard to crawl media like Flash and videos without a transcription


4. User Behaviour/Social

This will be the most exciting area, one would find in seo. According to me, these are the metrics that the search engines will use the most in the future. They are not getting much attention. Reasons being the amount of data available and length of time the search engines have been using these factors. But as they will be tested more, more they will be used more in the algorithms.

1. Domain Authority – Domain Authority (DA) is one of the major search engine ranking factors and measures the power of domain name. It is developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on result pages of search engines. It ranks from 1 to 100. The one which has the higher score will have greater rank.

DA is calculated by evaluating linking root domains, number of total links into a single DA score. This score can then be used for comparing websites or tracking the strength of ranking websites over time.

The relevance of domain name in respect to the keywords one is targeting is an important factor. For instance, will likely to rank better than for seo related queries.


2. Keywords- Using right keywords is important. It helps you find the relevant searches. It also helps people to find your site and defines what your content is all about. They are basically the words or phrases that the searchers search by entering into search engines which are commonly known as “search engine queries”. The basic aim of the creator is to make the keywords relevant to searcher’s search queries so as to find their blog relevant to it.

One can start with by picking a medium to low competition keywords and then slowly start building up post to target more competitive terms.

If you want to have higher ranks then you must definitely use keywords that are a synonym for the target words. For example, earphones can include earphones with mic, or headphones or earphones without a mic. Portable chargers can be portable batteries for phone or power banks as well. In the end, we need to have better optimization and higher ranks.

It is important to put keywords in Title and headings and subheadings for perfect on-page optimization.


3. Relevancy and Context – As stated above search engines are getting smarter and better day by day. They are able to find a page which is relevant. Also, it easily identifies which one is copied and which is not. Fooling them is not possible.

Also, relevancy is important for the reader as if the searcher enters a query and as a response gets completely irrelevant or off topic results then ranking will automatically be lowered.

4. Number of Inbound and Outbound links – If you want a greater seo score than your website must point to relevant links.

Inbound links are the links which are coming to our site from another website and Outbound links are those links which are going to other sites by our sites. Inbound links are also known as Backlinks and Outbound links are known as Outgoing links.

And thus more the number of relevant inbound links the website is pointing to, the more it will be favoring.

5. Site Speed –


Search engines do care about the time in which the site loads. You can speed up your website by using caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache.

6. Clean and responsive design – The best-optimized websites are those which are responsive to all device types and sizes.

Google favors the site which has a mobile-friendly design, that is, which is responsive on mobile phones as well.

7. URL structure – If you are writing a blog, that you want to rank then you must follow some specifications. Long contents are being rewarded and from this year, 2018, one wouldn’t rank unless a post is at least 1500-2000 words long

8. Length of your content – If you are writing a blog, that you want to rank then you must follow some specifications. Long contents are being rewarded and from this year, 2018, one wouldn’t rank unless a post is at least 1500-2000 words long


Difficulty in the working of seo? Read the article and get your doubts cleared. 

We can conclude that the seo is very important for marketing point of view. Every individual who is involved in a business wants traffic and seo helps in doing that. seo is a way to optimize your website to get more traffic to your website or blog, gain more customers and fulfill your business purpose. In simple terms, it is an extra boost to your website.